Landestini wins 7,000Euros
A great prize to help educate young people about healthy, local food.
A great prize to help educate young people about healthy, local food.
Le 1er réseau français d’épicerie en vrac s’engage auprès [...]
Weekly column with Henri Landes on SudRadio Wednesdays around 7.20pm: "Les vraies voix de la campagne" with Philippe Rossi.
Vote for Fanny Agostini on LAMISSBIO.COM.
1 hour of online entrepreneurship coaching and incubator application support.
Devenir un négociateur international pour la biodiversité même en étant confiné chez soi, c'est possible !
1h of live coverage of food and sustainable agriculture, biodiversity, rurality, life on the farm....
Wednesdays at 7:20pm on Sud Radio: Henri Landes talks about sustainable food and farming, biodiversity, rurality... Program sponsored by CELNAT.
Fanny Agostini and Henri Landes sign a new partnership for the LanDestini Cantal-Auvergne Incubator.
Fanny Agostini and Henri Landes present the LanDestini Cantal-Auvergne Incubator.
At ChangeNowSummit2020, Henri Landes announces the forthcoming launch of the LanDestini Cantal-Auvergne incubator.