Landestini - Home2023-12-04T10:15:34+01:00

The land is our destiny

The land is our destiny.


The land is our destiny

The land is our destiny.


Landestini's mission

Landestini is a non-profit organization, created in 2019.

Our mission: to inspire you to reconnect with the land, to nature and ruralityand contribute to the preservation of life.

Today, more than ever, it's essential to to connect with the essentialwith common sense and for the common good.

Guide you towards healthy eating and sustainable sustainable agriculture, while learning how and why why we care for biodiversitythese are the objectives we have set ourselves.

Our actions

The three pillars of action are education, entrepreneurship and food production. All projects revolve around the themes of healthy, local food, sustainable agriculture and the preservation of biodiversity. Programs are set up locally, in partnership with schools, universities, local authorities, businesses and/or local associations.

The news

🏆 La Coupe du potager des clubs de tennis

04 / 12 / 2023|

Vous êtes membre d'un club de tennis ? Terre d’Impact, le fonds de dotation de la Fédération Française de Tennis et l’association Landestini vous proposent de participer à cette toute première compétition ludique et coopérative autour du [...]

  • launch of call for projects #3 incubator

💡 Call for projects #3 launched!

05 / 05 / 2023|

Launch of call for projects #3 for the third promotion of our Landestini Cantal Auvergne Incubator! Submit your applications before June 08, 2023. The launch of Incubateur Landestini Cantal Auvergne's call for projects #3 [...]

All the news

Upcoming events

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Joining forces with us

Our partners

We would like to extend our warmest thanks to all our partners who support us in our actions.

Be part of the change!

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