Our ambition? To reconnect you with nature, healthy local food and your health, through eco-responsible sport.
Because practising sport, preserving the environment and looking after your health are inextricably linked, Sportifs pour la planète is a project that brings together amateur sportsmen and women, coaches and professional players from all sporting disciplines who are committed to taking concrete action in their sporting activities. It's also a program to support clubs and federations in their ecological transition.
Because eco-responsible sport is good for our health and the environment!

68 %

of wild animals have disappeared in less than 50 years.
(Source: WWF)

93 %

of watercourses in France contain pesticides.
(Source: CGDD)


Over the past 40 years, our children have lost a quarter of their cardiorespiratory capacity.
Physical inactivity is responsible for 9% of deaths in France.
(Source: WHO)

"By adopting more eco-responsible sporting practices, we perform better, stay healthier and help preserve the environment."

Training and action in the field

Whether online or in person, Landestini guides the sporting public towards more eco-responsible sporting and everyday practices, by mobilizing top-level athletes who talk about their commitments, their actions and their motivation.

Sports for the Planet Bootcamps

Top athletes, amateurs, coaches, trainers and sports journalists get together forfree weekends of training, awareness-raising and commitment on environmental protection in sport!

On the program: workshops, challenges, frescoes, talks by experts and plenty of surprises!

See upcoming dates

Information and registration:
contact@landestini.org or 06 28 54 58 53

Live Sports for the Planet

Understanding the issues and providing solutions, Landestini provides expertise and top-level sportsmen and women testify.

Discover :

  • Lolita Dona 's commitment to young karatekas with her husband Davy Dona.
  • Florent Ogier explains why every gesture counts.
  • how to involve your sporting entourage, Stéphane Houdet and Christelle Nana share their experience
  • Stéphane Houdet on disability in sport
  • the mobilization of theUnion Nationale du Sport Scolaire so that our young people can take action for their health and the planet.

Get involved, join us: become a Sportsman for the Planet!

Amateurs, trainers and coaches, professional athletes: become Athletes for the Planet!

Why join Sportifs pour la planète? 

How can you become a Sportsman for the Planet? 

  • Browse the eco-gestures charter below and commit to 3 actions.
  • Produce a video expressing your commitments
  • You'll benefit from training courses and can take part in field actions.

Discover the charter for eco-responsible sport

  • take a shower rather than a bath and wash with solid soap
  • use your own water bottle and drink tap water
  • give preference to local, seasonal organic and/or bulk products
  • dress in textiles from sustainable and local sources, accommodate as much as possible, sell or give away

  • respect landscapes and observe biodiversity

  • wash sportswear on the 30° program of your washing machine

  • ask your butcher, fishmonger or even restaurant owner about the origin of your products

  • recycle packaging and compost peelings

  • observe nature, respect paths

  • support and participate in actions to raise awareness and protect nature

  • become an ambassador for eco-gestures in your community

  • offset carbon emissions from air travel

Raising awareness of eco-responsible sports practices among AS youth with UNSS Auvergne

An educational program has been set up with UNSS Auvergne to help young people combine sports activities, healthy local food and environmental protection.

An educational afternoon with schoolchildren in Volvic (63), to raise their awareness of zero-waste sports, reconnecting with the earth, nature and healthy, local food.
After an educational workshop on these themes, we shared a healthy, local, zero-waste snack, planted a tree, and seeds from the Landestini farm were sown in the school's vegetable garden!
The students left with a reusable UNSS LANDESTINI water bottle donated by UNSS Clermont!

Supporting sports clubs and federations in the ecological transition

To meet ecological challenges and have a positive impact on biodiversity, Landestini offers a critical and constructive look to sports clubs and federations, enabling them to develop and implement actions in favor of the living world.

Nature sports, outdoors, in sports facilities and complexes, whatever the terrain, every sport, every practice, every way of looking at things can evolve.

The Tennis Club de Paris is committed to ecological transition in partnership with Landestini.

With the support of Nicolas Mahut and Pauline Parmentier, and the commitment of the club's team and players, TCP is accelerating its ecological transition.

  • Improving energy efficiency
  • Sustainable waste treatment
  • Maintenance of green spaces and edible garden
  • Recruiting a group of eco-delegates
  • Organizing an eco-responsible tournament
  • ....

Our ambassadors commit to serving youth and the planet

Top athletes sponsor and take part in awareness-raising and educational events for young people.

Numerous associations and foundations are conducting mobilization campaigns to preserve biodiversity, the environment and sustainable food. So, through a partnership, Landestini and the top sportsmen and women involved in "Sportifs pour la planète" (Sportsmen and women for the planet), are supporting local actions to rally young people around ecology, the importance of preserving biodiversity, and eating well.

The French vegetable garden cup

The Coupe de France du potager is a national competition for young people and the planet, promoting healthy, local food and hands-in-the-ground teaching.

The 1st edition benefited from the support of ambassadors: committed sports personalities who contributed to training and coaching sessions for the teams involved.

Read more

A set for the planet

In December 2019, 5 former world tennis players put on a show to help educate young people about sustainable food and the preservation of biodiversity, as part of our Champions of Sustainable Food and Biodiversity project. A SET FOR THE PLANET is the charity event that brought together Paul-Henri Mathieu, Emilie Loit, Arnaud Clément, Grégory Carraz and Rodolphe Gilbert. They played the match at the Tennis Club de Boulogne-Billancourt (Ile de France) in front of nearly a hundred guests to promote our actions and help us raise funds for the education of young people. Jeu Set et Match!

Raising awareness of wetlands and soccer training with Sidney Govou

In October 2019, Sidney Govou, an Altiligérien and former French professional soccer player, supported an awareness campaign around the importance of preserving wetlands carried out by CEN Auvergne (Conservatoire d'Espaces Naturels) in partnership with Landestini.
The player's mobilization enabled the CEN Auvergne to raise 600 euros, and an awareness-raising event was organized for young players from the Puy en Velay (63) soccer team on the importance of preserving wetlands. After a fun and educational activity, the children were able to dribble alongside the great soccer player and benefit from invaluable advice on the pitch. A winning match for all!

Sportsmen and women for the planet!

Perrine Laffont
Former professional footballer
Perrine Laffont
 French footballer, Montpellier
Clément Ric
Professional rugby player
Lolita and Davy Dona
Professional karatekas
Florent Ogier
Professional footballer
Paul-Henri Mathieu
French international soccer player Paris FC
Paul-Henri Mathieu
French international soccer player PSG
Paul-Henri Mathieu
Professional tennis player
Paul-Henri Mathieu
Professional tenniswoman
Stéphane Houdet
Professional tennis player
Sidney Govou
Former professional footballer
Yoan Meudec
Professional runner
Alexia de Rechapt
Amateur runner
David Smétanine
Paralympic swimming champion
Steeve Coyere
Capoeira teacher
Rodolphe Gilbert
Former professional tennis player
Henri Landes
 International footballer with Girondins de Bordeaux
Henri Landes
Former professional tennis player

Paul-Henri Mathieu

Former professional tennis player

Perrine Lafont

Freestyle ski champion

Jessy Trémoulière

French international rugby player

Christelle Nana Tchoudjang

Professional volleyball player

Arnaud Clément

Former professional tennis player

Nynke Oud

Professional volleyball player

Émilie Loit

Former tennis pro

Dominique Dabert

Professional karate fighter, physical trainer and coach

Pierre Barthès

Former professional tennis player

Aurélien Bazin

Amateur trailer

Grégory Carraz

Former professional tennis player

Sport for the Planet events

Press coverage

  • LA MONTAGNE I Des éco-délégués ont rencontré Henri Landes

    LA MONTAGNE I Des éco-délégués ont rencontré Henri Landes

    Ce lundi, les éco-délégués des collèges et lycées de l’enseignement [...]

    Lire l'article
  • L’EVEIL I Des écoliers du Puy sensibilisés à l’alimentation de qualité

    L’EVEIL I Des écoliers du Puy sensibilisés à l’alimentation de qualité

    Depuis plus d’un an, l’association Landestini porte le projet Champions [...]

    Lire l'article
  • WE DEMAIN I Ces communautés qui préparent le monde d’après

    WE DEMAIN I Ces communautés qui préparent le monde d’après

    Pour expérimenter de nouveaux modes de vie à la campagne, [...]

    Lire l'article
  • MADAME FIGARO I Entre terre et mère

    MADAME FIGARO I Entre terre et mère

    Larguer les amarres parisiennes pour s'installer dans une ferme en [...]

    Lire l'article
  • LSA-CONSO.FR I Simple Maps, une appli « citoyenne » pour valoriser les territoires

    LSA-CONSO.FR I Simple Maps, une appli « citoyenne » pour valoriser les territoires

    Cette nouvelle application mobile propose une carte interactive pour valoriser les [...]

    Lire l'article
  • ZOOMDICI.fr – Cet été, réservez votre visite à la ferme.

    ZOOMDICI.fr – Cet été, réservez votre visite à la ferme.

    14 exploitations agricoles vous ouvrent leurs portes cet été avec [...]

    Lire l'article

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UNSS logo
Soccer écologie France logo
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