Our approach

Go take your lessons from Nature, that's where our future lies! - Leonardo da Vinci

The earth is our destiny

Everywhere, the living world is in retreat, and human beings are suffering from this degradation of nature. Links are increasingly being established between pesticides and various diseases, and farmers are the first victims. They also suffer from a food system that exploits them.
What's more, the countryside is emptying out, despite a small back-to-the-land movement emerging...

Connecting with nature, acting to protect it and, in so doing, reinventing new ways of living in harmony with ourselves and our fellow members of the living community, with greater meaning, joy and resilience...

Over the last 40 years, we've lost...
of animals
on earth
of flying insects
in Europe
birds of the French countryside
Landestini's Garden panel standing man bush


Landestini est une association à but non lucratif, créée en 2019 par Henri Landes et Fanny Agostini, alors qu’ils quittent la région parisienne pour s’installer en Haute-Loire. Sa mission : vous donner envie de vous reconnecter à la terre, à la nature et à la ruralité, et de contribuer à la préservation du vivant. Aujourd’hui, plus que jamais, il est primordial de se relier à l’essentiel, de le faire avec du bon sens et pour le bien commun. C’est pourquoi l’association, à travers des programmes pédagogiques et liés à l’entrepreneuriat rural, aide à se guider vers une alimentation saine et une agriculture durable, tout en apprenant comment et pourquoi prendre soin de la biodiversité et réenchanter les campagnes.

House Country sun meadow

How can you make the most of it?

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How can you make the most of it?

Workshops and training sessions will be organized in the near future. Subscribe to our newsletter to receive these dates.

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The educational farm

In Auvergne

After ten years in Paris, Fanny Agostini and Henri Landes settled in 2019 on a farm in Boisset, Haute-Loire, to live closer to nature and run educational, awareness-raising and entrepreneurial projects serving the territories of Auvergne and its youth! They created Landestini to educate, raise awareness and engage the general public in favor of climate preservation and biodiversity, sustainable agriculture, agroecology, agroforestry and other related causes. The Landestini farm is surrounded by 3.5 hectares of land, with an orchard and vegetable garden. Fanny and Henri also maintain a paddock with goats, horses and a henhouse.


Committed men and women.

Two founders

Fanny Agostini and Henri Landes in their vegetable garden

Driven by a love of nature!

FANNY AGOSTINIcorsican-auvergnate, is a TV and radio journalist on the environment and presenter of the programs En Terre ferme on UshuaïaTV -Groupe TF1 and Génération Ushuaia son TF1. A former columnist on Europe 1, Notre planète. Fanny is also president of the Climate BootcampofAMAP NextRabioTV. Fanny is the author of several books, including "52 semaines au vert : des alternatives naturelles au quotidien".

More about Fanny

HENRI LANDESa Franco-American, is former Managing Director of the GoodPlanet Foundationand co-founder of CliMatesand teaches environmental policy at Sciences Po Paris. Henri is also consultant in sustainable development and a columnist on RCF Haute-Loire and has a a weekly column on France Bleu Pays d'Auvergne, #UnAméricainEnAuvergne. He is also the author of 3 books. Henri Landes also specializes in the economy and rural dynamism.

More about Henri
Link to upcoming signing sessions

Fanny Agostini and Henri Landes have more than ten years' experience in sustainable development, running events and speaking at corporate events. Their favorite topics are climate change, biodiversity preservation, ecological transition, and the commitment of companies and local authorities.

If you would like to speak at an event, please contact anne@landestini.org.

Expert advice

The Strategic and Technical Orientation Council is an advisory body to the Landestini fund. Agriculture and livestock breeding, food and nutrition, biodiversity, climate, water, audiovisual, local economy... these are all complex and fascinating subjects that deserve expert knowledge and insight. We are supported by a team of competent and motivated individuals who are involved in our projects on an ad hoc or regular basis. All members act in a personal capacity, without any commitment on the part of their organization or their professional status.

Strategic and Technical Advisory Board

The Landestini team

Motivation and positive ambition are the resources of those who work with us. Talents and experience are varied: enthusiasm is an integral part of the Landestini team's leitmotiv. We're proud to be surrounded by people who want to work together to make our projects a reality. Throughout the year, we welcome project managers, interns and volunteers, who carry out concrete missions on our programs in education, sport, entrepreneurship, media, communication... Missions can be one-off or regular, in Auvergne, or from the Paris region, or elsewhere! To date, Landestini has 5 full-time employees on permanent contracts, including 1? positions financed by European funds (ERDF). We're delighted to introduce you to the landlubbers of today and yesteryear. And at Landestini, once a landlubber, always a landlubber!

Discover the Landestini team

Become a Landestini volunteer

Are you familiar with the world of vegetable gardening? Do you have a green thumb?
Join us for the Coupe de France du potager and help participating teams build or develop their vegetable gardens!

Would you like to help young people discover how to eat well and preserve biodiversity?
Co-lead educational sessions as part of our Champions of Sustainable Food and Biodiversity workshops?

Do you enjoy hosting events? Are you sensitive to biodiversity, climate and environmental issues?
Discover our negotiation and debate simulations!

Are you retired, a student or in work? Are you motivated?

Contact us!

Offres d’emplois, de stages et contrats d’apprentissage

Vacancies are open to all people with disabilities (volunteers, trainees, apprentices, employees).

Mission de 3 mois – Laboratoire de projets ruraux Cantal